Click on photo to enlargePhoto taken on Thursday 8:18 P.M. September 1st at Loma Linda HospitalOur 23 year old son Jimmy after driving his 4X4 truck off a 450 foot cliff last Sunday morning at 1 AM.
Since 1903 something approaching 4 million people have been killed in automobiles in America alone.
This doesn't take into account all the crippled & maimed victims, the ruined families, the incredible number of animals wiped out, the destruction of habitat for highways & roads, the immeasurable amount of poison we've dumped into our air & water, or the countless lives being lost everyday to our criminally-waged oil wars!
There is nothing on this earth I despise more than the automobile with it's all-consuming murderous infrastructure, and the pain I'm feeling right now, as I suffer with my family over our sons injuries, will only strengthen my resolve to live without a GOD-DAMNED car!!
Yes, our son is young & reckless, and very much at fault for this accident, but a great number of people who's lives are destroyed by this beast of an invention are completely innocent!
Jimmy is lucky this time, he's still alive, but his jaw is severely broken, he's breathing through a trachea tube so he can't speak, and for the moment he can't see anything either, and we still don't know if his vision will improve or not.But his spine is OK, he can move his hands & feet, and he's communicating by writing.Miraculously, Jimmy's girlfriend Lindsay suffered only minor injuries and was able to climb out of the canyon in the dark, walking 5 miles on a dirt road (with only one shoe) to summon the help which saved Jim's life, and we are so grateful for her clear thinking under such stress.Lindsay even thought to tie her sweatshirt to a tree at the accident site, because the car was so far down the ravine that it couldn't be seen from the road (even with the emergency lights flashing), and she wasn't sure she could find her way back there.By the time she got help and they were able to rescue him, after repelling all their equipment into the canyon, Jimmy had been trapped in that truck for 7 hours and his tongue had swollen to the point where it was cutting off his air supply.They got there just in time!Today Lindsay is our heroine, but they both could've easily died right there, and nobody would've even found them yet.So please, go back up and enlarge the photo of Jimmy, take a long look, and before you put your babies or other loved ones in the car again, ask yourselves if that trip is really necessary.Hospitals are overflowing with victims of the automobile, and those are the lucky ones.I will soon have much more to say about the insanity of our auto-addicted culture, but right now I must go to the hospital...Labels: automobiles, family, Jimmy, our kids, rants, tragedy