Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jim Otterstrom November 14th, 1945 - January 22nd, 2011

Thank you to all the beautiful and inspiring people that have shared your lives with my father Jim Otterstrom. I know this blog was his release, his comfort to know that there were like minded people living their lives all around him. You will all have my heart forever. Much love, Jamie Otterstrom


Blogger CG said...

I am so sorry Jamie and Peggy and (his son who I am so sorry but I'm blanking on your name). I am heartbroken and can't believe it . . . but at the same time I think, what a gift to have known this guy even if just online (and in a way to have then known the rest of you), what a gift the way he loved you, what an example and challenge he put out to the world. He done good. Love to all of you.

6:37 AM  
Blogger Tabor said...

This is a many I have had with bloggers I have read on a regular basis. While not as impacted as you who knew him, I am so sad at this loss! Words cannot express the empty hole he has left behind.

8:22 AM  
Blogger Madcap said...

Yes, a great gaping, aching hole. I was so privileged to have been befriended by Jim.

He loved you all very much, had such pride and admiration for his family.


8:51 AM  
Blogger Endment said...

My sympathy to each of you who were priviledged to be part of his family.
There is a huge empty spot in the world today.

9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our hearts break at this very sad news. Even though we never met Jim, he was as much a part of our lives as all the good friends we have known. We will miss his words and photos, and his kind and caring heart.

Our very deepest sympathies to the whole family.

9:37 AM  
Blogger naked on a mountain top said...

"I speak for the trees" - the Lorax

Or as we knew him - Jim Otterstrom - will be missed by all.
Tears will water the earth under which he will rest.

9:38 AM  
Blogger Deb said...

Though I never got to meet Jim in person, we shared many things including a passion for good music and good beer. He taught me how one could rage against the injustices of this society and yet appreciate the beauty and live a life that shows one's convictions. I'll never forget him and in his memory I will try to live the example he taught. Love to all his family and friends.

9:40 AM  
Blogger Heather Jefferies said...

How beautiful and wonderful to have had the glimpse and the words and how sad that it is over.

I am so, so sorry for your loss.


9:59 AM  
Anonymous bev said...

Jim's blog has always been a wonderful place to visit for a well-grounded view on the world. Such a loss to his family and friends, and to all the rest of us too. Peace.

11:52 AM  
Anonymous Mark and Deb Calkins said...

Dear Peggy, Jimmy, and Jamie,

Our hearts are very broken and in great pain. There are no words that might describe, suffice, or convey our great concern. To not try is to not care, and to express is not possibly adequate. We are so very sorry.

Our dear Jim has a legacy that will never be forgotten. The urgency of his heart and willingness to be a positive part to and of the planet was something so vast that it crossed all ideologies and faiths. My God we hurt so infinitely deep at every approach to this reality. Our consciousness naturally rejects this, as our minds constantly grapple to attempt a way out, but we know this is not possible. Eventually we come to where you are, as your friends, and willingly dive into this reality only so that we can strive to encourage and support you.

Peggy is of no less magnitude of love in our hearts, and to estimate this incredible, severe loss and pain leaves us emotionally devastated. Our prayers have been constant day and night for her, and for you his two beloved children. I am confident you will be overwhelmed with a vast outpouring of love from all of your friends, but the healing powers of this will be in a dark battle against this enduring, fierce sting. Even so, we are all loyal, and we love you so dearly much past any incomprehensible limit to this unspeakable grief.

With all of our love,

12:07 PM  
Blogger Taradharma said...

my heartfelt condolences to the family and all of Jim's friends. I hope you will keep the blog 'up' so we may revisit his posts. What a splendid mind and artistic eye. A playful warrior on this earth. Did he ever sing, "I did it MY way?!?" He could have. It would fit to a t.

He recently left a lovely comment on some photographic work of mine -- I was most touched.

Rest in peace, dear Jim, the long journey is over and who knows what adventure lies ahead?

4:51 PM  
Blogger LeCoach said...

The Otterstrom family is doing the best they can in the wake of this devastating loss. They also face significant financial responsibility for the funeral and related expenses. I am urging anyone who knew and loved Jim to please make a donation to help the family out. Anything you can send will be greatly appreciated.
Please send donations to:
Peggy Otterstrom
P.O. box 6408
Big Bear Lake, CA
Jim and I married the Grier sisters and I will always hold a special place in my heart for him.
Peter Marquard

5:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Peggy, Jimmy and Jamie, my sincere condolences go out to you. Although I only come to this blog from time to time, Jim's writings, photography have given me a glimpse of a wonderful caring man and enriched my life for the better. Love and hugs to all of you (and Dallas) at this most difficult time. From Joy in Australia.

9:21 PM  
Blogger Ontario Wanderer said...

Sorry to hear of Jim's death. I was only an occasional visitor to his blog but felt that he was a bit of a kindred spirit. It's been quite a while since I last visited but the shock of the death is still strong. I really don't like it when people younger than I die. Sigh!

4:21 AM  
Blogger gfid said...

Jim - you were an inspiration. a steady and passionate reminder of the beauty that manages to survive and thrive in this troubled world. a living example that one person CAN make a difference. you spoke with authority and integrity and humility. though i have flitted only on the fringes of your circle for years, what you have shown me and given me, just by distant association, can't be measured, dear Earth Home Gardener. i feel certain i'm one of very many who came by your blog regularly, as invisible visitors, just because we knew we'd find something really fine, really exceptional, really worthwhile here.

you've left a black hole in the blogiverse

8:46 AM  
Blogger Paul said...

So sorry to hear the news. Best wishes to all of you.

12:36 PM  
Blogger jules said...

I too, am so sorry to hear this sad news. My sympathies go to Peggy and his family, and to Dallas his dog.

He certainly will be missed here.

12:59 PM  
Blogger clairesgarden said...

oh I am so sorry, many blessings.

3:05 PM  
Anonymous jeanne marie said...

Deepest sympathy to you and your family. Jim was a witness to all the goodness the world has to offer.

6:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Peg, Jamie, Jimmy (and Dallas too),

Will our hearts ever sing again? Not now as they are broken and crushed with the weight of unspeakable grief. This can not have happened, yet the pain and tears say otherwise.

Our lives are forever changed by the gift of Jim's love and frienship, his wisdom and insight. A gift beyond measure we will cherish forever.

And now our lives are forever changed again by his passing, a loss so deep we cannot take it in. We will hold him in our hearts forever.

Will we ever share good times again? Sometime in the future we will. Will our hearts ever sing again? Somehow, someway they must, for Jim's sake.

For now, we wrap our arms and hearts around yours, to hold you in the light.

We love you so much!
Bill and Grant

6:37 AM  
Blogger mel said...

This is so sad. It's always the good people, when they are gone that are missed. Although I never met Jim (I would love to have), I read the blog every day (but didn't for a year - I was elsewhere).
Be strong Peggy and Jamie.

12:38 AM  
Anonymous kiwi said...

Tears fall as I read of Jim's death. I live literally a world away in New Zealand - yet I feel I knew him.
I learned from him and his words always resonated in my heart.
Sweet sweet blessings to Peggy and all Jim's family as you wend your way through the sorrow and loss. Nothing can ease your pain but time - and memories of his love and goodness. xx

2:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peggy, Jimmy Jr, and Jamie. I am extremely sorry to hear about the tragic loss of big cousin Jimmy. It has been many years since I have seen you all yet you have never left my mind or heart. I have very fond memories with all of you but I must say the most memorable are of Jimmy and his heart warming smile and teddy bear disposition. I always looked forward to seeing all of you when we would visit grandma and grandpa Otterstrom in Big Bear. From ready some of the blogs Jimmy seems to have left quite a legacy and it makes me proud to be an Otterstrom. He was doing Gods work and I can only imagine that God will honor him and he is in a much better place than all of us. You all will be in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless you and keep you strong during you time of great loss. Love, Trisha Angulo (Otterstrom) and family.

12:24 PM  
Blogger susan said...

I'm very sorry to read this news today. Jim was always a good friend to everyone he met and I will miss his voice. Peace and blessings to all of you.

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Kat La Haye said...

My dear Peg, Jimmie & Jamie,

Words can never describe the pain you feel. You all are riding a wave in the ocean, you get knocked down to the point of not being able to breathe. Then by some miraculous power you are able to gasp for air and realize that you are alive, even though you feel as if you were in a bubble unseen by anyone here on earth. Your loss so great that no one can understand. You cry, scream, try to find an answer, console, and comfort each other. You have lost a part of you, Jim. I can tell you that Jim is not gone, he lives inside of you. His love is now transformed through you, and will be carried out every day when least expected. You will find yourself saying things he would have said, loving as he did, and looking at the world through his eyes. Take comfort in this gift. Your heart has been broken, fill that empty space with his memory and the pain will soften with time. Our world is one that wants things to happen quickly, grief cannot! Be kind to yourself, take time to heal, and know that your journey is different than anyone else. Bill and I loved Jim and all of his unconventional ways. We saw the love he had for his family, and admired his choices of how to live. You are all loved by so many, we are here an arms length away. Let us hold you when you cry and rejoice in his memory.

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you and the family. Big Bear has lost a dear friend and we will all miss seeing the two of you walking hand and hand w/ your dog down Big Bear Blvd. Thanks for showing life can be lived to the fullest.

6:31 AM  
Anonymous Layney DeLange said...

Dearest Peggy Jaime Jimmy and Dallas

My heart broke when I heard of Jim's passing. He was by far one of my favorite co-workers. He took me under his wing when I first came to Big Bear and was always there for me. We had many many great times and inspiring conversations! And he will forever be my most favorite dance partner!!! Much love to you all!!

1:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Peg, Jaime, Jimmy and Jim's oldest daughter
I've known you all for 30 years and am devastated by the news. Jim was a free and caring spirit and I will miss not seeing him along the streets and paths of Big Bear, walking the dog, and studying the wildlife and plants. Peg, whatever you need, I will do whatever I can to ease you through this pain. You have a wonderful son and daughter and family that will help you through this. We are thinking of you always!
Love, Sande' and Alan

5:57 PM  
Blogger Maryanne Stahl said...

namaste, jim , rest in peace.

I too was only an occasional blog visitor but I so admired jim and peg and the beautiful life they built together. my deep condolences to his family, and my sincere gratitude to the universe for his light.

4:33 AM  
Blogger Mage said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

3:42 PM  
Blogger Mage said...

Our deepest sympathy.

3:44 PM  
Blogger Linda Navroth said...

I am deeply saddened to hear this news. Jim spoke from his heart, lived his dream, and left an indelible mark on all of us who knew him through this blog. I hope you will leave this blog up so that others may find inspiration here as I have over the past few years. My sincere condolences to the family. This is a very sad time indeed.

10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have just received the news of Jim's passing and I am shocked and heart broken. I feel so blessed and lucky to have known "father-earth" We should all make an attempt to show the simple kindness and love that he showed us all. My strength and love to Peggy and children.

12:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a whole in the heart of Big Bear after hearing the shattering news of Jim's passing. What a spirit he was!! A positive life force that he shared with all..large and small. He was a reminder to all of us to strive to live our authentic selves..simply. I will miss him.
My love and strength I send to Peggy his mother-earth wife. We will all be here for you when you return. Julie Markling

9:18 PM  
Blogger sonia a. mascaro said...

I am so sorry for your loss... My sincere sympathy and condolences to all the Family.

7:23 AM  
Blogger luna1 said...

Wow, Jim has passed on? I used to read this blog regularly and just came back after a couple of months absence to learn of Jim's passing. I never met Jim but I have always enjoyed reading the 'earth home garden' and marveled at, and had huge respect for Jim and Pegs' wonderful accomplishments and the wonderful and inspiring life lived in the garden. My thoughts go with Jim's family.
Thanks Jim for all the inspiration you've given me - walk in peace.
- Kev from New Zealand

8:39 PM  
Blogger Val said...

I am an infrequent but admiring visitor here. I loved to read his wonderful words and see what he had been up to. A truly inspiring person, his real life family will be the poorer for his passing, but richer for having known him close to.

3:55 AM  
Blogger otterstream said...

We are having a celebration of life for my father on Feb 20th, 2011. You are all welcome to come. Please email me at for information

8:12 PM  
Anonymous said...

Tribute to Jim Otterstrom
From Judd and Dory Kramer

Dory and I have been blessed to meet many spiritual giants in our life time. I count Jim Otterstrom among them. Jim’s spirituality was demonstrated in his character and behavior. . He was kind and caring; He said what he meant and did what he said. He was loyal and loving to people, animals and nature. He was true to himself, in other words, a man of integrity.
I met Jim through my wife Dory who worked with Jim at the Woodland Hills Post Office. They seemed to hit it off; she told me of this likeable guy she worked with who lived in Topanga Canyon and rode a motorcycle.
One evening, as Dory and I drove from our home through Topanga Canyon to the beach, traffic came to a halt near the “Corral“. Rows of cars lined the street and a big crowd was mulling about. So we pulled over, parked, and went to see why. As we edged through the crowd and got closer, we found out it was for the Save The Canyon Concert with Neil Young, the Eagles, and Joni Mitchell performing. Suddenly, a big bear of a man comes out of the Corral, waves and yells Dory, takes her hand, gives her a hug, and escorts us both through the crowd into the Corral. It was of course, Jim Otterstrom, a resident buddy of these entertainers. And this is how Jim gave us an evening and concert to remember including front seats and introductions to the stars.
But sometime later, Dory had a chance to repay Jim in spades. She had been transferred to the Van Nuys Post Office and was working
with a beautiful, warm hearted girl named Peggy Grier. Dory thought Jim and Peggy would be a great match and arranged an introduction.
The rest is history.

We visited the Otterstrom’s home in Big Bear on a number of occasions. Their home reflected their great love for each other, their children, nature, animals and people. Dory knew of Jim’s musical and
artistic talent but it was new to me. Jim gave me my Agriculture I lesson as he showed and described all the plantings in his yard.
Jim set a living example of nurturing the earth and its environment, even giving up his auto for the bicycle. True to form, he displayed the wonderful humility and humanity that so endeared him to all he met.

Jim your passing is a great loss not only for your family and friends, but also for this country and the world. To Peggy and family, our deepest, most heartfelt condolences. Dory and I shall always treasure our association with you and Jim. Although Jim is physically gone, he shall always be alive in our hearts and memories. Our prayers for you Jim are those of the ancient High Priests of Israel, “ May the Lord Bless You and Keep You. May the Lord’s Countenance Shine Upon You. May the Lord Grant You His Grace and Give You Peace. “

2:29 PM  
Blogger huckaby58 said...

I can't help but think Big Bear will not be as interesting or as funny now that Jim has undertaken his journey home. I didn't know him well, but gardening brings people together.
Please accept our condolences on your loss. Jim's legacy will be a part of this mountains history. He will be missed. Blessings to you and yours, The Huckaby's

3:17 PM  
Blogger huckaby58 said...

I didn't know Jim well, but living in big bear means you cross paths with everyone. Gardening is what brought us together.
The legacy he has left behind speaks for itself. I can't help but think Big Bear will not be as funny, enlightened, or hippified now that he has taken his journey home.
May the music be sweeter, the gardens more plentiful, and the laughs harder wherever you are. Blessings to you all, The Huckaby's

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just returned for a visit to Earth Home Garden after an asbsence of many weeks. I am crying to learn that Jim has passed from this realm. Peg, my heart goes out to you. Much love to all of your family. Jim touched many of us out in here in cyberland. Thank you for sharing him with us. KinKY (Kathy in Kentucky)

8:36 PM  
Anonymous kiwi said...

It's 2 months now since you left us Jim....but still I keep checking in here regularly, just like before. I keep hoping there has been some silly error or hoax, and you're not gone at all. Hoping the blog will open to reveal another wonderful post from you. But it's never to be! We must all learn to carry on our individual paths without your guidance. You have another path to follow we must ultimately all walk alone. Take good care my friend, and know that you are deeply missed by many, from all corners of the world.

5:45 PM  
Blogger Tom Degan said...

I'm just finding out about this. I am so sorry - and honored that he thought to link my site on his. Please accept my condolences.

All the best,

Tom Degan

9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel so sad for you. Please leave the blog up so we can revisit his inspirational writings and photographs.

1:02 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Jim,

It has been close to a year now since you left us (345 days) actually, and everyone misses you.
I know this sounds corny, but I have not been very artistically inspired since you left, in fact I have only painted one painting on 2 canvas's and haven't even finished those.. seems you were always the one who genuinely liked the things I did. A little recognition goes a long way, especially from a very talented and creative brother such as you were. We in our family seem to all be very creative and artistic in very different mediums, some of us in several mediums.
Aside from your artistic abilities, I think your greatest talent was to see the good in people, even those who would project otherwise. Well big brother, I just want to say hi and let you know I miss you.
Love Always
Jo Anne

1:12 AM  
Blogger otterstream said...

And...... Delete.

2:16 PM  
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9:59 PM  
Blogger Craig said...

I'm sorry all of this puke and vomit in the way of comments on my friends Jim blog is shameful. Jim was such a good friend and I think of him often, I cry often when I think of all the good times and all of the beers we could have shared. When I talk about him and share my memories of him he is alive, and I know he would never be complacent with anyone trying to capitalize on his memory. So this message is to anyone trying to do that- stop it or Jim will rise and eat your organs as an appetizer. I loved Jim and I would give anything to have another day with him. He would not be happy with the current world but he would do something to change it and so will I.

6:46 PM  
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