This year a new award has been added to the Sierra Club's 9th annual Xeriscape Garden Tour. The "Jim Otterstrom Earth Home Garden"Award will be presented to the garden that has created the most natural setting including but not limited to native plants. Jim Otterstrom was a native plant proponent and his garden was living proof of his belief that native plants were the best way to landscape your yard. The Otterstrom yard was a perennial favorite on the tour, with Jim and Peggy Otterstrom handing out seeds, sage advice and lemonade. With the passing of Jim in January of this year, the Xeriscape Garden Tour commitee created a new award in his honor.
This year's tour is Saturday, July 16th from 9am to 4pm. Attendees can start the tour at Emingers Mountain Nursery on Big Bear Blvd. in Big Bear Lake, across from Denny's. Participants will have until 4pm to complete the self-guided tour of seven homes. We are still in need of three volunteers. There are two shifts, morning and afternoon, which makes it possible to volunteer AND take the tour. A fun pot luck party takes place on Sunday July 17th, to thank the voluteers, homeowners and sponsors.
Thank you to our sponsors for making this a free tour to the public: Big Bear Lake Fire Protection District, Big Bear member Susan Piestrup, City of Big Bear Lake, CSD Big Bear City, DWP, Emingers Mountain Nursery, Hunters Nursery, Master Composters, Nativescapes, TSL Landscaping and USAA. For more information on the tour contact Christie Walker at (909)866-5006.
Big Bear Lake Fire Protection District, Big Bear member Susan Piestrup, City of Big Bear Lake, CSD Big Bear City,
Peggy, I really miss you and Jim-hope your'e doing well.
Glad to see the Legend live on!!
Thank you all for your comments,
love and hope. Jim was a true Legend, here on the Blog and to all of those he met along his path.
Much love to you all,
Peggy O
Life has been moving on and I haven't read here in longer than I'd realized. I'm so sad to know of Jim's passing. I never met him but read his blog regularly for quite some time. He was a very inspiring individual! My condolences to his family.
This is a wonderful tribute to Jim whose love of nature was a blessing to all who knew him. I must say too that there are people who inspire one another and so it was with Jim and Peggy.
What a great tribute! My love to you all.
It is a good article,Let me learn more about knowledge.Thanks blogger.
This is quite an honor on my brothers behalf. I know he would love this. Thank you. Miss him every day.
Here it is well into fall and I thought of both Jim and Peg as I was nursing a sore ankle and working a therapy walk through the crunchy leaves on my driveway. I had to stop here to find some solace..some touchstone with both!
Thank you all for stopping by,
Dallas and I just returned from a walk ourselves. One minute I think I'm fine...the next I can't stop the tears. I miss Jim terribly.
I wish that I could make magic with words like he could.
Jim had such a wonderful perception of the beauty in the world and shared it with the rest of us. Of course he could also see right through the ugliness of the world and made sure we saw that as well.
Thank you all meant a lot to him...he looked for your comments every day and shared them with me.
Much love to you all.
Peggy O
Hi Peggy,
I haven't been on the blog in some time, so missed this post in July. This is a great tribute to Jim--who was a very big inspiration to me to get more involved with the outdoors again after many year's neglect. Can't believe he's gone either. I feel so sad for you and Dallas, but I hope you are finding your way and some happiness even so. God bless you and keep you safe.
Kind regards,
Linda Navroth
Westwood, CA
Such a wonderful shot of Jim! :) Thank you for posting it. Thank you for keeping this blog intact. I appreciate being able to return here every now and then and find the voice of an old friend. Warmly, Lené
Just wanted to stop by the blog to say hello to you, Peggy. Such a surprise to see a post up from July with Jim's face. I see that fellow bloggers stop by as well. Cyberspace travelers communing at a favorite stop. Thinking of you.
beautiful article ,thanks
Lovely place. Awesome how they maintain it.
It is a great blog. I love these kind of gardens.
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