Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday Afternoon...

Sandalwood Drive, 2:20 P.M.
Click on photo to enlarge - © 2009 jim otterstrom
This was the view this afternoon looking north, on Sandalwood Drive, toward Big Bear Lake.
There are large tracts of undeveloped commercial property on both sides of the road here and I dread the day they are developed.
I thought I'd post this picture for posterity, so future generations can look back and assess the results of what we call progress.

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Blogger Tabor said...

While I empathize with your desire for no more development...it does look a little lonely and bleak to me right now...maybe needs some trees and shrubs.

4:28 AM  
Blogger Margaret said...

That looks like a challenging drive!

11:48 PM  
Blogger Jim said...


Big Bear Valley is heavily forested and this is one of the few remaining places where you can get a wide-open vista from the valley floor. The only thing bleak here to me is the road running down the middle of a once slushy meadow full of birds and other wildlife. Just a few hundred feet in any direction from here you will find all the wonderful human "improvements". Parking lots, big box stores, banks, medical buildings, real estate offices, supermarkets, storage facilities etc., etc, etc., all landscaped with non-native trees, shrubs. Noe that's what is bleak to me.


Well, I mostly walk everywhere, or ride my bike, but this road is plowed and if you have the proper tires, or chains, and drive appropriately for the conditions, it's not so bad.

But the snow is so beautiful before we plow and pummel and filth it up.

11:04 AM  

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