Was Our November A Canary In A Coal Mine? How Hot Might It Get In The Next Few Decades? You Tell Me...

Click on chart to enlarge - courtesy of Yahoo!/The Weather Channel
This IS a RANT!
...and not a very nice or funny one.
I knew we had an abnormally warm November here, I lived it, but the hair on the back of my neck stood up when I saw these Yahoo!/Weather Channel temperature charts!
If these numbers are accurate, and I'm assuming they are, we've just had one extremely freakish November.
In Big Bear City we surpassed our previous record high November temperature by 15° F.
And, not only that! We surpassed the previous November record of 74° on 22 of those 30 days, with seven days of 80°+ temps. And not one day of the month did we dip down to even the average low temp of 25°.
It was 89° on November 7th (88° on the 8th), fifty-five degrees above average, and just 5° shy of our all-time summer high of 94°.
All over town I hear people cheerfully saying, "Isn't this weather wonderful?", as they go to and from their X-Mas shopping destinations in their SUVs.
Yes folks, it's just lovely, and pretty soon you may not even have to battle the traffic that comes with living in a ski resort either.
Of course you won't have anywhere to work because Big Bear's economy is dependent upon the ski industry. So you'll have to sell your house and move someplace where there is work, but then your house won't sell because there'll be a glut of sellers and no buyers.
And, we may not need to worry about forest fires much longer either, because, with temps like these, the bark-beetles can just chew their way through the forest all year long. Who needs a forest anyway? Then we can just haul all that dead wood home to burn in the fireplace instead of letting the wildfires have it. But we may not need fireplaces to keep warm, we may need air-conditioning instead.
Ahhhhh.... Endless Summer!
So hop in those Escalades, Excursions, Navigators and Hummers folks! You know, the ones with the Jesus fish, the American flags, and the 'family values' oriented bumper stickers plastered all over ém.
Make all the trips you want to McDonalds, Starbucks, Carl's Jr., Taco Bell and Burger King . They all have drive-throughs and you don't even have to climb down out of the car to notice the weather.
Just sit there in your air-conditioning listening to Fox News, Rush Limbaugh or NASCAR results while you wolf down those mega-calories.
Even the Pharmacy has a drive through so you can refill your Prozac, Valium and Viagra prescriptions right from the driver's seat. And if you forget to have your hair cut, or your nails done, you can always make another trip. No worries! Because, thanks to oil subsidies, corporate welfare, and very creative economic policies, gasoline is back below $3 a gallon.
But the hidden costs are becoming more obvious aren't they?
Global Warming may be the most insidious, but what about that $350 billion of our hard earned money spent on the War in Iraq? Or the tens of thousands of human lives sacrificed, just so we can continue driving behemoth gas hogs around in circles all day.
Ooops! Sorry!Do I sound a bit testy?
Perhaps I'm sick of hearing people say Global Warming is no big deal?
Or maybe I'm a little under the weather from breathing all those exhaust fumes on my walk to the grocery store yesterday morning, especially the diesel fumes?
Oh Look! I just noticed the first syllable of diesel is 'die', as in Die-Off!
I wonder what it feels like to be broiled?
Or what it's like to watch your children or grandchildren being cooked in a solar oven.
Stick around, the fun's just beginning...
...but the party's coming to an end.
Whether we believe it or not.
Hey, it's my blog, and I can vent today if I want to!
Because our collective ignorance is infuriatingly pathetic and Peak Oil can't come soon enough for me...
...so you can consider this my exhaust, I certainly have to breathe enough of everyone else's!
Love, Peace, & Mercy Earthlings...
It’s looking to me like we're gonna need plenty of each!
The chart below shows the daily high and low temperatures for Big Bear this past November.
Enlarge it and compare them to the record highs, lows, and average from the chart above.
Labels: automobiles, Big Bear, car-free, community, global warming, habitat, lists and charts, pollution, rants, social commentary, weather
Thanks for posting this. I am comparing to my town here in Massachusetts, and will post later
Excellent post Jim its been 20% above average here iin Wisconsin and no snow I mention snow and people shutter but hey we need that snow and cold global warming is an definite issue and I bring it up in conversation and most people dont care but i do. iv seen how our rivers and creeks have changed since I was a kid and am very concerned hopefully al gores the inconvienent truth documentary will open peoples eyes .. ps I got a canon s3 after you told me about your s2 same camera pretty much and I love it takes great pictures might start a blog sight up Later Paul
Here is Westborough, Massachusetts (elevation 300 feet)
November: 18/30 days above the average temperature for Novembers: with a mean increase of 8.2 degrees on those days where there was a temperature increase.
December to date: 12/15 days above the average temperature for Decembers: with a mean increase of 7.9 degrees on those days where there was a temperature increase.
About 6 years ago I remember having an online debate with someone about global warming. For every point I would raise, he would counterpoint it with his point. I believe the evidence across the planet is now so clear cut that if someone started to debate it (unless they could present persuasive evidence to the contrary - which I doubt they would now be able to produce) I probably ...
hmmm, maybe I'd say, yeah, I know what you mean, what can you say to someone who says the Holocaust was a fabrication...
or how about...hmmm I doubt even the fish would believe that one.
It was 70 degrees today. I have daffodiles popping up out of the ground and I hear noises in the woods I usually only hear in the summer.
No need to apologize for your rant. If we didn't say what we truly felt in our blogs then what would be the point of writing in them.
We had a week of normal temps in Dec, but have returned to upper 30's and 40's when it normally doesn't reach 20. Welcome to the future. I can't believe there are still Global warmin g deniers.
Thanks for being blunt, Jim. Even though I consider myself fairly well informed about global warming, I still need to hear stuff like this from time to time, to keep me on track. I spend a lot of time wondering how to convince others or even get the discussion started, and sometimes I just get tired. For all that I am informed, I still don't think I've made much change to my lifestyle, so thanks for the boot in the rear with a frozen mukluk - oh, right, not frozen yet.
Btw, I just posted (again) about people actively spreading disinformation about climate change.
I subscribe to bloglines.com and it's supposed to notify me when blogs I read have an updated post but it hasn't notified me for your past 3 or so posts. I'm going to go back today and read them all.
I actually enjoy rants from intelligent informed people. I feel that they are forthright and honest and I always learn something. No need to appologize.
I checked our weather here in Nashville, TN and here's what it looks like:
November 14/30 days higher than average temp of 59. Average temp of the 14 days is 69.2, a 10 degree difference!
December 17/25 (granted 10 of the 25 are forecasted - not observed) higher than the average temp of 49. Average temp of the 17 days is 62.0, a 12 degree difference.
The numbers and facts are frightening and disheartening. Everytime I think about this I become so discouraged and my animosity towards people grows deeper and deeper. But Jim, I just keep saying to myself, "Hope is more powerful than despair." Your words. I will never forget them. They have become my mantra because the truth hurts. It is unbelievably painful to be burdened with knowledge. But I am "hoping" that I can enlighten and inspire others with my own positive actions. Just as you have done for me.
Rage on Jim! I agree, I am in Minnesota and sat outside this afternoon with 50 degrees. I think it is very sad that more people are not seeing the big picture when it comes to the weather. We need more people like you!
It's allready december and there is still no snow in Turkey(western part) either. That's really global warming. Not only where you live, even we feel it here, that's the reason I say its global warming. It won't take long that we'll forget what a fish and a bird is.
I put a post up on my blog that relates to your post.
I am going to add you to my blogroll under "Peace through Understanding".
The Earth is in very great need of peace.
Thanks for your rant.
tried a rant of my own recently... called it repiphany,but blogger won't let me on... here goes nothing. well said, neighbor.
Great post, Jim. I've been having similar feelings about our weather here, and you inspired me to post about it on my own blog.
I enjoy your blog immensely, and am often moved by what you write, though I don't always comment. Keep it coming!
Wishing you and your family a Happy Christmas and a Wonderful 2007!
Desejo a você e a sua família um Feliz Natal e Maravilhoso 2007!
Don't forget those obnoxious "W" stickers. Makes me sick!!!!
We moved to North Georgia because they had trees and 30 inches (yes, 30") MORE of rain than Dallas, Tx where we came from. Not this past year and a half though. We are back to living in Dallas. Barely any rain, no grass for our livestock, dry dry dry and hot hot hot. No winter and everyone saying---How beautiful, I HOPE IT DOESN"T RAIN LIKE THEY FORCASTED (when we do have our rare chance at it---and unfortunately they keep getting their wish) . ARGHHHH.
But of course---According to Bush, Rush and the other idiots : Global warming is just a leftist nut idea totally made up. But don't worry, I"ll be laughing all the way to the dust bowl knowing I am right.
green lawn today. In Minnesota. This is wrong. I am trying to educate people about global warming - starting local with my own students. The problem is not people like us - we know about it and want to make changes. The problem are those who feel entitled to our american lifestyle. How do they change?
I live in the foothills of the smokies. generally around this time of year it gets pretty cool. Around freezing at night and the low to mid fifties during the day. This past week we reached the low to mid seventies during the day. My husband works outside and he'll be the first to tell you that he should be putting on his long johns in the morning instead of his t-shirts.
I live in St. Louis, MO and have been noticing the daffodils popping up and I recently saw a rhododendron starting to bloom. Crocuses are coming up and I've noticed some magnolia's getting buds. We had about two weeks of cold weather so far this fall/winter, but otherwise it has been abnormally warm. I rarely, if ever need a coat...even at night. It seems that winter has been getting warmer every year in St. Louis...More so than summer.
Lewinsky! Is that you?
Quick! Come on over I've got a huge physical problem I want to discuss with you. We can play doctor and I know you'll fix me right up.
But make sure you sneak in the side door, I don't want the neighbors talking.
I won't need the Viagra thank you, or the SOMA or Mytramadol, whatever that is. Save that stuff for your old pal Slick Willie Clinton.
Spamming is not nice Monica, or whatever your name is...
Have A Nice Day!!!
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