Saturday, December 24, 2005
About Me
- Name: Jim
- Location: of Jim and Peg's Habitat Home, High In The Mountains Of Southern California
We are a car-free retired couple living in a small 950 sq ft mountain cabin on less than 1/4 acre at 6,750 ft elevation. The native plant habitat we established on the property now exceeds 100 species and we grow organic vegetables on a small portion of the yard. In our continuing efforts toward simple, sustainable and rewarding lives we bid our last car "Good Riddance" in January of 1997. Earth Home Garden represents what we love in life; our bountiful planet EARTH and all her natural diversity; our cozy little cabin HOME and the family it has sheltered for 29 years; and the GARDEN around us which nurtures so many native creatures and helps feed us as well. It's our PLACE TO BE........... ***NOTICE*** Unless otherwise stated, all photos and text posted here are the copyrighted property of Jim Otterstrom, who hereby grants permission to re-print or re-publish his work, freely, for non-commercial purposes, so long as it is un-altered and credit is given. See the Creative Commons license at bottom of page.
Jim, you and Peggy have such gentle spirits. You've been a blessing to me in the past few months, and I think of you often. I hope the "birthing" of this Christmas brings new joys into your lives this year.
This is the first Christmas eve that I've been thinking of friends I've never met in person, my blogging friends. May peace and joy be with you tonight and always in the coming year.
Merry Christmas to all of you!
Sugar Mountain Farm
in Vermont
Peace to you and Peggy. I feel I'm a better person for having read and lived your blogs.
thank you for the holiday wishes my friend.. may the coming year bring you joy and peace. You're a very special couple and when/if I ever get back to CA to visit my friends and relatives, I have new friends to put on my list that I would dearly love to meet.
I too am a better person for having read your blogs, for they are filled with so much real heart and goodness.
Best wishes for the coming year,
What a sweet photograph of your home, Jim. I love the peace sign. As always, smiling when I think of your squiggle emoticons and warm spirit. ~:) (I can't remember how you did it, but it always made me laugh)
Jim, I just wanted to let you know that I finally did that Five Meme that you tagged me for two months ago. It is up on my blog today (12/29/05). Hope you guys are well.
Beautiful photo. I am enchanted.
Wishing you both, Jim and Peg a Happy New Year filled with Joy, Love and Peace,
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