Saturday, January 28, 2006

Hollyhock, Raspberry & Hops

Click on photo to enlarge

I've been playing with the scanner again today, and this Hollyhock is for Norene, who wanted to see more.

Click on photo to enlarge

Above is a leaf from our Raspberry vine and this one is for Sonia, at 'Leaves Of Grass', who gave me the inspiration to try this method of capturing images. Thanks Sonia, I'm having fun with this.

Addendum-10:05 PM; I just noticed this leaf somewhat resembles 'Rustle The Leaf' from the comic strip.

Click on photo to enlarge

These are hops, and this one goes out to Bill who provided the beer for our seven year sampling last night of Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Ale.

Bigfoot is brewed and released in limited quantities once a year and Bill has bottles of the stuff for each year going back to 2000, including the just released 2006 batch.

Bill and I did a long slow taste comparison, sharing each bottle, and I think we agreed the 2005 batch was the best overall, by a slim margin, there's no such thing as a bad Bigfoot.

And during our little Bigfoot Fest we also listened to some very good music. ;~)

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Blogger Deb said...

Jim, I am absolutely green with envy. Getting to sample an extra-special beer, year by year! :)

By the way, I burned your CD today. I'm trying to make a fancy cover/liner notes in Word, but I don't know if it would be worth my time, so you may just get a handwritten deal. At any rate, it will go in the mail on Monday!

6:23 PM  
Blogger Norene Griffin said...

thank you!

for some reason these make me think "victorian," but i have no idea if there's anything victorian about them.

1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are really beautiful, didn't you say you were doing something special to them?

2:09 PM  
Blogger sonia a. mascaro said...

THANK YOU SO MUCH JIM! I love this gorgeous Raspberry vine!
It's very artistic and looks wonderful!

I agree with many friends from blogosphere that
"Scanning epidemic hits the internet"! LOL!

2:24 PM  
Blogger Granny said...

Lovely photos. I discovered you indirectly from maison madcap to eleu to here. I don't like just lurking so saying hello from the California San Joaquin valley (Merced).

I see dragonfly183 is here. Impressive person.

3:32 PM  
Blogger Jim said...


I'm so looking forward to hearing more of your music, and I have a feeling your package will arrive there Monday.


I'm sure a good portion of those 8 cases of Bigfoot will end up in my gullet! ;~)


You are so welcome, and I know what you mean, I seem to recall some Victorian era paintings that rendered nature in a similar style and hue.


I simply scan these pretty much as I find them. On this dried stuff though, for maximum effect, I increased the color saturation just a little in Photoshop.

The hard part is cleaning up the scans. I clean the scanner glass before each scan, but these stems flowers and leaves deposit thousands of specks of dust on the glass when you place them, and all that has to be removed later in Photoshop. I spend about a 1/2 hour cleaning up each image.


Thank you dear Sonia for the inspiration, and for sharing your knowledge, enthusiasm & experience through your wonderful blog!


I feel like I know you already, from mums place, and I'm so glad you dropped in. And drop in you did, I see you've left several comments around EHG.

I'll try to respond to some more of them. and I'll be dropping in on you too when I get the chance.

6:49 PM  
Blogger Granny said...

I had planned to just say hi but then got hooked on reading. Those who know me know how difficult it is for me to remain silent.

Thanks for your comment on isamericaburning

You're welcome at either blog any time.

7:34 PM  
Blogger Jim said...

worried american-

Welcome to EHG and I'm glad you like the photos, images and content.

Koyaanisqatsi, Powaqqatsi and Naqoyqatsi are all available on DVD at Koyaanisqatsi & Poaqqatsi are also available on VHS but not Naqoyqatsi.

2:06 PM  
Blogger Tabor said...

This way of making pictures is really interesting. Is the background black when scanned or do you tweak that? These would make lovely 'botanical' art prints on the wall.

2:33 PM  
Blogger Jim said...


Yes, if you leave the scanner lid open, or remove it, the background scans as black.

2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was wondering if that was how you did that ;)

11:35 AM  
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