Thursday, January 26, 2006

Dog Day Afternoon...

Click on photo to enlarge

This is my very good friend Dallas. We go most everywhere, and do most everything, together. Dallas is smarter than I am, he has an undeniably good heart & soul, and he doesn't like to talk politics or religion.

If someone raises their voice in an argumentative way, Dallas will gently lay a paw on their leg, looking into their eyes, in a quiet plea for peace. If he isn't successful, he will go upstairs until the unpleasentries have subsided.

Dallas was rescued from the pound, as a puppy, by a mean-spirited good ol' boy who also had a dog named Bullet, get it, Bullet and Dallas, as in Texas, and Kennedy.

Our son knew this person through his carpentry work, and when the ol' boy could no longer afford to keep Dallas, our son adopted him, and then our son got a job that took him on the road, and out of town, so I became Dallas's guardian.

We have become inseparable. If I were to rename Dallas, his name might be Ishmael, after the gorilla in Daniel Quinns extraordinary book of the same title.
Dallas is the spirit of Ishmael in my life.

Dallas appreciates me because I treat him like a friend, with respect, and in turn, he teaches me every day about what it means to be alive and enjoy your moments...

... and I enjoy every moment I spend with this fellow.

In the photo, he's giving me 'the look', the 'we haven't been for our walk today' look.

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Blogger LauraHinNJ said...

Beautiful photo - the lighting is perfect for his amber eyes!

How old is Dallas? He looks very wise with all that white on his muzzle.

5:54 PM  
Blogger Jim said...


Thanks, we were sitting out in the yard together when I noticed the nice light on his face.

Dallas is about 4 1/2 years old, he was born with a white muzzle, and wisdom.

6:28 PM  
Blogger Lené Gary said...

Hi Dallas, it's nice to meet you. Glad to know Jim's got a bud like you. Wish you could meet my girl, Java Bean. She's a babe--black labe with an extra mysterious genetic curl in the tail. She lives in the Bay Area now, so if you ever go north, I'll give you the address of her favorite dog park. :)

A Friend of Your Two-Legged Companion, Lene

6:36 PM  
Blogger LauraHinNJ said...

Stopping back to thank you for visiting my blog (and for the compliment!)

I look forward to reading more from your blog since finding you linked from somewhere(?)

8:47 PM  
Blogger sonia a. mascaro said...

Dallas looks adorable!
I want to share with you this quote about dogs. I love it.

"Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring - it was peace.”
Milan Kundera quotes.

6:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wise indeed. what a photo!
a wonderful book on the relationship between dogs and humans is *a pack of two* by caroline knapp. highly recomended

10:31 AM  
Blogger sonia a. mascaro said...

Oh Jim! What a beautiful poem! Thank you! This words ..." Easy doesn’t seem to know he’s getting old, he’s just content to be what he is this very moment. And, in such fine company, so am I." it's beautiful and a great wise thing!
Would be so good if all of us, the human being, would to feel like Easy did. Growing older will be so much easy and happy.

And thank you so much for your kind words about my flowers and São Paulo's photos. Your opinion is a great stimulus to me.

10:35 AM  
Blogger MomEtc. said...

Dallas is a beauty....he isn't be any chance a long-haired Akita, is he? Years ago I had a long haired Akita that no one wanted because they cannot be shown. He was a sweet guy named Kodiak. I lost him to divorce and never saw him again, but I know my ex loved him dearly and is taking good care of him.

Anyway, I'm always so happy to read about a wonderful relationshp between man and dog. I'll most certainly get another pup myself when my DD is older.

1:47 PM  
Blogger Norene Griffin said...

i recently bought a day planner that didn't meet my specifications (not printed on recycled paper) because the theme was dogs, and the dog photos were true portraits that showed the individual character of each animal. i love my day planner and am not sorry i bought it. it brings me joy every time i open it. your photo of dallas has a rightful place alongside its photos. you've captured his personality in a big way.

9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"money can buy you a fine dog, but only love can make him wag his tail".. I'd be lost without my canine companions, they truly are my kids.
His eyes show so much wisdom.. and I love your analogy to Ismael, I need to read that book again soon.
Happy trails to you and Dallas :)

1:05 PM  
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9:53 AM  

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