Friday, October 21, 2005

Our Daughter Is 21

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Jamie is 21 years old today and I've decided to post 21 pictures in tribute to her and the joy she's brought to our lives.

This photo is the first and I'll be posting 20 more throughout the day as I spend it thinking about this loving girl far away on the shores of Lake Tahoe.

Thank you Jamie...

We Love You!

The subsequent photos will be posted below this one in no chronological order.

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Blogger Madcap said...

What a beautiful apple-cheeked young lady! Happy birthday!

12:31 PM  
Blogger Michael Lehet said...

Happy Birthday

1:15 PM  
Blogger swamp4me said...

Happy Birthday!!!

First, I discover you have a 23 year old, just like us...

Now, I discover you have a 21 year old, almost just like us (ours is a boy, uh, man)

7:09 AM  
Blogger robin andrea said...

That's the face of a child who grew up with love. She is absolutely a radiantly beautiful young woman.
Happy birthday to her.
Congrats to some very proud parents.

9:05 AM  
Blogger sonia a. mascaro said...

Happy Birthday Jamie! You are very beautiful!

8:40 AM  
Blogger Jim said...


Very confusing at times.

It wasn't an ego thing on my part to have my kids named after me.

We didn't know before the kids born if they were male or female and preffered it that way.

When we picked a name for a girl we wanted her to carry some tradition of both sides of the family and my father's name was also James, and Peggy's maiden name is Grier. So our first child if female was going to be Jamie Grier.
If male, our son was going to be named after two of our best frends, and his last name would carry on family tradition.

Well he threw that all out when he chose to be born on my birthday, and Peggy & I both agreed he'd be named Jim, but not Jim Jr.

My father's middle name was Gordon and mine is Steven and Jimmy is named James Walker.

So when Jamie came along, Peggy and I still really liked Jamie Grier, and that's the way it was.

And oddly enough both of my kids like their names.

10:39 PM  

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