Monday, March 21, 2005

More Raised Beds

Click on photo to enlarge
Peggy working compost into our new beds and if you look closely (enlarged picture) you can see the seedlings we planted on March 7th coming up in the beds on the left.
I made four new raised bed boxes today out of scrap wood from the new deck (the boxes on the left are made of salvaged scrap from another of our sons jobs) and we placed them in their permanent home next to the existing boxes, leaving 18" of space between the beds so we'd have plenty of room to work them.
We are hoping to get these planted in the next few days but that will depend on the weather and right now it looks like snow for a couple of days.
Yesterday was the first day of spring and I decided to spend as little time indoors as possible so no pictures were posted. Posted by Hello

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